I know some of the pictures I put on here may have a copyright on them.

If you would be so kind as to let me know of the instance I would appreciate it and take it down asap. :)

Back in Action?

The past few days have been hectic. I haven't really been able to see any of my friends, I've been insanely sick taking pills the size of my face, and I have a lot of midterm school work to do. I also kinda miss T. KINDA!

I don't know what to say really, I've been working so hard and subsequently getting stressed that I find no time in my life to cool down. I guess that's what lead to my being sick. Low immunity levels. I bought some Flintstones Gummies with extra C. Yes I am 21 years old. They smell bad, and they're expensive. I'm feeling a hell of a lot better now though.

Of all the school stuff I had to day was one of the most challenging days. I had 2 speeches and a test and a midterm due for the next day. Being sick does not help with your "vocal variety!" However I did well on both the speeches and I think I might have done okay on the test... :/ Who knows.

I feel like the biggest weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Now I want to exclusively concentrate on guys. I just feel lonely now. Accomplished but no one to share the relief with. :(

One day.... One day.

4 tidbits!:

J said...

ugh, i'm with you. I'm sooo tired of waiting. i feel like im always in a constant state of waiting. im just ready for it to happen.

d said...

Yes, I agree with u 2. Welcome to the single and lonely club. But yeah, those flinstones gummies sure so sound good. I can eat a whole bottle in an hour. Not that I would, but u know... ANYWAYS, i'll just excuse myself out of this comment...

FUCK NO said...

Single and lonely club? Can I join?
Well I just found your blog, seems interesting and btw, I've never tried those gummies. Bet they're tasty.
Good luck with everything

J said...

now i have that natasha beddingfield song stuck in my head. thanks a lot shots.