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Titles Are Overrated

As if I wasn't on ABDC overload before... well I'm looking at this shit even when they're in their off season

Oh well these guys tried out for season 3 and didn't make it but I LOVE them.

This is their audition tape. You may or may not like it. I think it's cute and they woulda gone far!

This is just hilarious... reminds me of some fun times I have with my friends.

I just did this to let people know I'm alive. I really do have stuff to blog about but I'm having trouble getting the feelings out. I haven't really told anybody this stuff so it's awkward.

2 tidbits!:

J said...

damn x, youre kinda late with the comment.

but at first i wanted to say they were more kabba modern lite than so fresh cru, but as it went on more i'd have to say their the poor mans version of so fresh cru and i hated that crew, so i cant say i heart these guys too much and can understand why they didnt make it on the show.

yeah they can dance, but i wasn't feeling any energy it just looked like a bunch of people doing moves